What do you really really want? After you clarify what your heart’s desire is look deeper into the Essence of what it is you want. You will find some aspect of Happiness/Wholeness/Freedom/Joy/Love/Bliss/DeepPlay/Beingness. The short cut to having all you want is to choose your State-of-Being first. Intend/visualize/lovingly claim it and then give thanks first before it manifests. Feel it/sense it/assume it/expect it/live from it–know your creation as thought and feeling first which is the basis of the Vibration which leads to its manifestation into form. This is the pathway to fulfilling your dreams as a Conscious Creator…what you came here to do.
“Happiness Wholeness Freedom–what I love most” 3×5″ balsam wood collage post card. Belinda Clements