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The things that spring from the center of our being are the budding of the mandala that radiates outward to all quadrants of your life.

1. Celestial-Terrestrial:  Designing and arranging your life in accord with the sky. Awareness and Love: The
Force and Power of the Ultimate.

2. The Art of Being: Freeing oneself from “The Program.” Being-ness informs Doing-ness.

3. Living your Myth: The Life Task of answering “The Call.” We each embody our own World View, our own Holy
Idea, our own Religion, our own unique Genius.

4. Body as your Most Intimate Living Sculpture: The Altar your Heart

5. Diurnal and Seasonal Sacred Rituals: Renewal, Regeneration, Re-constellation and Re-enchantment of
Everyday Life.

6. Direct Path: Making Freedom a Game: Release and Letting Go.