Home is one of the most powerful archetypal symbols for humans. The physical plane represents, points to and comes from the invisible. We crave in our lives the outer beauty and harmony that reflects and mirrors the gorgeous inner world inside of us. Inside of you is a model or blueprint for True Home–the place in which you are a-live and thrive spiritually mentally emotionally and physically. These spaces and places combined constitute the world in which you live. The more you can find your way to live in the sanctuary-temple inside of you the greater your ability to render it physical to all the senses.
It’s a circle: as you desire to find the Natural Sanctuary within, you become very acute to the thoughts, old believes, cultural conditioning and patternings that keep you from experiencing it as a deep healing fountain or well that sources you. This awareness of what you are choosing consciously or by default that does not allow this continual flow of knowing/intuition/feeling good/ sensing your well-being is a necessary place of reflection in order for you to become not only a conscious creator but to know by-heart the feeling-tone atmosphere-ambiance of your unique vibrational signature–which tends to complete the circle in a physical residence. Being a circle there is no starting/ending point, so you can create it from the outside and it will touch and ignite the inner–when both environments (the inner and outer) are harmonized and imbued with your love and appreciation, order, simplicity, beauty and joy you literally can experience a heaven (heaven on earth)…
As I started envisioning my ideal life and how I wanted to create it I never factored in money or how it would happen. I just kept imagining and being one with my inner musings and the outer collages I began creating to mirror them. I trusted universal principles and the laws of attraction to handle the details and fill in the framework. I kept following my heart and using the resources at hand to approximate my ideal and worked in my collage journals filling them with book and magazine photos and affirmations which gave so much delight in and of itself…the journey was a private inspired world that I treasured. I go into detail about this because of the contemporary cultural chant based in lack/fear of realizing your material dreams. I say pay no attention and never compare yourself to anyone else or use lack of money/education/location as excuses to hold you back. If you have a dream within your heart it’s purpose is to blossom– and acting on it, trusting it, following it’s lead is how you live into your Myth.
Your dream will be unique to you as you individuate and find who you really are…I always said freedom was most important to me and that I could live in and decorate a teepee or treehouse and be happy.
So wherever you find yourself now is the perfect place to begin this empowered present moment and doing whatever you can in simple ways to love yourself by surrounding yourself with the inner ideal made real…
Photo Album: Interiors~ A reflection of the soul