Paradise is a garden, the outside nature we co-create with and the inner private world in which we sit and listen, re-arrange and weed, seed and fertilize. Everyday sacred rituals of finding our ways to blossom our beings into the Wholeness they really already are. Meditating, contemplating and the holy task of telling the truth to ourselves when we begin to contract resist or suffer. Being willing to do whatever it takes to come back “home” to our inner paradise of the simple feeling of well-being. This is my true work: turning it all into beauty, moment-by-moment, breath-by-breath. Finding the heart so large it can hold it all and if not welcome, at least allow or receive the moment as it comes before turning in the direction of following our highest inspiration. We be/do this together and this is how we affect and change the world, the field we are are co-creating together either consciously or unconsciously. What an honor.
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