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Spring Equinox:  Beyond Civilization:  Birthing a Parallel Culture

Monthly Archives: March 2016

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As we live into yet another Cosmological “Great Turning” and the fabric of life starts loosening things become more impossible yet more possible at the same time.  Regarding our collective concept of  reality being our so-called civilization something new is being birthed and transcending it:  A possibility of a parallel culture which goes beyond civilization as we have known it. A way to contribute to “saving the world” by walking out of the dysfunctional system that no longer values or supports  the individual but uses the individual to support a collective insanity leading to our potential demise.

The world is too mysterious and too large to contain into any world view.  The potential available to those who can see and would ask more of themselves in this time of endings and new beginnings is to resurrect a mythical mystical and metaphysical life where everything is sacred and counts.  Where we turn away from a soul-less existence on fast-forward and come to ground in a life that revivifies and enlivens our passion for embodiment in a way that answers the courageous question:  “how then shall we live?” in the times we find ourselves in?

Trusting that we  are here at a time when we can be useful to creation by tapping into our unique talents and gifts that are most needed by our world right now.  By using our personal suffering to awaken to the truth of our eternal Being and becoming aware of the lie of our culture and its sickness, we find ourselves impelled and inspired to resurrect an inner psychic blueprint or mythology of an alternate or parallel culture that we create to live by.  A culture that we envision that not only enables us to survive but goes beyond into thriving because we touch meaning inside ourselves.  We tap ourselves to  find alternate ways to live, to eat, to be whole, nourished and to be with others in ways that serve our higher selves.  We find daily sacred rituals that lead to greater health, holiness and wholeness.

We cannot change the system by fight or might, we must find a new model that honors our individual freedom sovereignty and self-empowerment to be all we can be.  To create the possibility of an earthly paradise in our own lives.  We can’t wait for everyone to wake up, to get it, to love each other and come from unity.  You only can be/do this for yourself right now.  What you do for you, you do for me, you do for all of us.