In my late 20’s I created a holistic lifestyle service called Ecclesia in Laguna Beach, California. The simple and beautiful ways to care for one’s body/mind I began then and continue to this day. Here are some of my favorites for this time in which we are being pushed to enhance and refine our under appreciated and miraculous Immune System:
I usually teach these as Morning, Afternoon and Evening Rituals but I am massing them altogether for you to pick and try several:
Cleansing/Building/Maintaining Rituals: Working with the Seasons.
- Tongue scraping and Oil Pulling (holding sesame oil in mouth for 15 minutes.)
- Neti Pot: Cleansing nostrils with warm salt or essential oil water. Then add some alternate nostril breathing.
- Using an eye cup with Dr. Christophers Eye formula to cleanse eyes.
- Skin brushing entire body including face.
- Hot and cold water treatments especially in an outdoor jacuzzi, shower and cold plunge.
- Warm ayurvedic oils to massage into body creating friction especially after skin brushing.
- Kundalini breath of fire and seated spinal flexes to jump start day along with The 8 Tibetan Rites.
- Rebounder jumping for activating G Force.
- Natures’ Way is Movement and Rest so add 5 minute exercise routines intermittently.
- “Secret Ball Club” using small balls to roll out tensions in the body (a used tennis ball can work).
- Yin yoga (long-held poses for regulating the nervous system and flexibility) before bed.
- Brushing teeth with essential oils and massaging gums (using a rubber tip between teeth and gums).
- Foot massage in bed to stimulate entire body and organs. (use “foot wakers” to stand on as well).
- Using pure essential oils as part of daily routine to strengthen systems of the body and raise immunity.
- Morning fresh celery juice for keeping body cleansed or coffee enemas.
I will not go into diet as everyone has their recommendations except to say find a balance place to allow “goodies” and treats but have a base line of excellent living fresh fruits and veggies and protein to sustain higher well-being. Listen to your body and work with the seasons. (what I find works great for me is morning celery juice and steamed kale and greens to stay happy).
Don’t feed the microbes as they have the power to crash our moods energy and well-being.
Categories: The Art of Living